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Born in Venezuela.

2008-2012 Studied Bachelor of Arts: Media Communication at University Monteávila (UMA). Ccs, Vzla.

2012 Studied Photography at AVECOFA (Venezuelan Association of the Photographic Community) endorsed by the UMA. Ccs, Vzla.


"I have always been fascinated with the power of images".


As an Advertiser...

The power of the image influences the social culture and tendencies of the world. Advertising can affect a country's economy, culture, political movements and life itself. I want to be a part of this fascinating world


As a photographer...

The power of images, colour and light have always fascinated me. With photography especially, you can capture moments, memories, periods of time... It can reflect feelings and life itself. Photographers not only have the opportunity to capture feelings, but they also have the ability to generate it with their images.


Sometimes, memories fade away, although photographies help us to keep those memories alive!

This fascination has made me choose this path in life and has made me want to be a photographer. I always put my dedication to the subjects and make my best effort to capture the essence of each event or moment.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

– Confucius –

Edzenia Olivo

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